New Europe: Imagined Spaces traces the radical transformation of European places and spaces over the last two decades. Instead of the familiar schoolbook map of a Europe of nation-states, the book unpacks the differing imaginations of European identity in recent years. Taking as its central problem the fluid nature of cultural and political identity, it moves firmly away from – and calls into question – the perspective of the nation-state as the primary source of imagined identity for Europeans. The book contributes to key debates, such as the emerging Europe of the Regions and the return of the city-state, examines the rebranding of the nation-state and explores the impact of Europeanisation on existing place identity. Emphasising mobility and movement, the chapters explore borderlands and travel, and also include a detailed discussion of the everyday life of Europeans. Throughout, iconic images of contemporary Europe are invoked:Eurodisney, the Reichstag, Barcelonas Ramblas and the Bilbao Guggenheim, and t
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