This book offers a detailed account of all aspects of photosensitive epilepsy, including genetic testing, functional imaging (fMRI, MEG), pharmacological studies, animal studies, classification based on the occurrence of photoparoxysmal responses (PPRs) in different epilepsy syndromes, and the available prevention and treatment options. In addition, the comorbidity of and overlap between migraine and epilepsy are discussed. Informative case histories with EEG examples and a helpful glossary are included.In epilepsy, the term photosensitivity is used both for epileptic seizures triggered by flashing or flickering light and for epileptiform discharges evoked by intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) during an EEG recording. Most patients with a clear history of visually induced seizures will showepileptiform EEG discharges during IPS (PPRs). As epileptiform discharges can be evoked in photosensitive patients at any time, without triggering seizures, they can be considered a useful surrogate marker of the ne
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