This is the groundbreaking new method for raising venture capital through social networks. “The declaration of independence for our industry!” (Mat Dellorso, WealthForge Inc.). “”The Crowdfunding Revolution” should be on the mandatory reading list for everybody active in the industry or for everyone who’s planning to be”. (Crowdfund News). “Kevin Lawton and Dan Marom have done a great job…A must-read for everybody entering the field of crowdfunding!” (Gijsbert Koren, Smarter Money). “We recommend this book highly to anyone who is fascinated by this new methodology for funding projects and endeavors…A wonderful read”. (Brian Meece, RocketHub). “Read this book if you want to catch the next wave!” (Fred Bryant, WealthForge Inc.). “A must-read for anyone interested in the early stage funding process”. (Mandar Kulkarni, “”The Crowdfunding Revolution” offers fundraising inspiration for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs”. (Business2Community). “”The Crowdfunding Revolution” offers fund
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