“TCP/IP sockets in Csharp is an excellent book for anyone interested in writing network applications using Microsoft .Net frameworks. It is a unique combination of well written concise text and rich carefully selected set of working examples. For the beginner of network programming, it’s a good starting book; on the other hand professionals could also take advantage of excellent handy sample code snippets and material on topics like message parsing and asynchronous programming.” Adarsh Khare, SDT, .Net Frameworks Team, Microsoft Corporation The popularity of the Csharp language and the .NET framework is ever rising due to its ease of use, the extensive class libraries available in the .NET Framework, and the ubiquity of the Microsoft Windows operating system, to name a few advantages. TCP/IP Sockets in Csharp focuses on the Sockets API, the de facto standard for writing network applications in any programming language.Starting with simple client and server programs that use TCP/IP (the Internet protocol suit
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