“This book will certainly prove to be a useful resource and reference point ! a good addition to anyone’s bookshelf.” Network “This is a superb collection, expertly presented. The overall conception seems splendid, giving an excellent sense of the issues…The selection and length of the readings is admirably judged, with both the classic texts and the few unpublished pieces making just the right points.” William Outhwaite, Professor of Sociology, University of Sussex “…an indispensable book for all of us in philosophy and the social sciences who teach and care about the shape of social knowledge in the future.” Steven Seidman, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York Albany “For a comprehensive account of the ways in which world transformations affect claims to social scientific knowledge, one need look no further than Gerard Delanty and Piet Strydom’s Philosophies of Social Science…this collection captures nicely the increasingly engaged political nature of the philosophy of social science.
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