“This book is an ideal resource not only for residents and fellows looking for a practice-oriented text, but for seasoned veterans across a variety of subspecialties who want to expand their knowledge of pediatric imaging.” — YJBM For all radiologists diagnosing infants and children, knowledge of best practices in pediatric imaging is essential to safely obtaining high-quality images and achieving accurate diagnoses. This practical text covers current guidelines and key topics in the field, including choice of modality, equipment and dosages, child-specific diseases, typical imaging findings, differential diagnostic aspects, and safety factors. This book is invaluable for all clinicians and radiologists who diagnose and manage this sensitive population. Special Features: Explores the use of all standard imaging modalities in children as compared to adults, especially with regard to ultrasound, CT, and MRI Supplies more than 600 high-quality images to help in interpreting findings, including imaging of su
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