This book will teach you how to build hand-crafted web pages the Web Standardistas way: using well-structured XHTML for content and CSS for presentation. By embracing a web standards approach, you will hold the key to creating web sites that not only look great in all modern browsers, but also are accessible to a wide variety of audiences across a range of platforms-from those browsing on everyday computers, to those accessing the Web on the latest emerging mobile devices. Even if youre an absolute beginner in web design, this book will teach you how to build future-proof web pages the right way using easy-to-master tools which are, in most cases, free. Through 14 easy-to-follow chapters, we introduce you to the fundamentals of contemporary web design practice. Step by step well assemble well-structured XHTML webpages, which well then style using handcrafted CSS. By the end of the book, youll have a firm knowledge of the essentials of web design: everything you need to know to move forward in your lifelong jo
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