An Up-to-Date Overview of the Theory and Practice UnderlyingGifted Assessment Essentials of Gifted Assessment introduces readers to thetheory and practice underlying gifted assessment. Steven Pfeiffer,a leading expert in the field of gifted assessment, discusses whatit means to be gifted, why we should identify gifted students, andthe purposes of gifted assessment. Well-organized and engaging, the book examines key principles ofgifted assessment and provides an up-to-date overview of giftedassessment measures. Topics include the use of local norms,measuring creativity and motivation, nonverbal measures, theimportance of recurring gifted assessment, multi-potentiality,gifted testing and minority group students, and evaluating thetwice-exceptional student. Early identification and interventiongreatly benefits gifted students, who may otherwise never realizetheir full potential.Throughout the book, Pfeiffer equips schoolpsychologists with the tools they need to: * Identify and assess uniquely bright and talent
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