Electroencephalography (EEG) has seen a dramatic increase in application as a research tool in the psychological sciences in recent years. This book provides an introduction to the technology and techniques of EEG in the context of social and cognitive neuroscience research that will appeal to investigators (students or researchers) wishing to broaden their research aims to include EEG, and to those already using EEG but wishing to expand their analytic repertoire. It can also serve as a textbook for a postgraduate course or upper-level undergraduate course in any area of behavioural neuroscience. The book is organized so as to provide an introduction to the theory, technology, and techniques of EEG data analysis along with the practical skills required to engage this popular technology. Beginning with a background in the neural origins and physical principles involved in recording EEG, readers will also find discussions of practical considerations regarding the recording of EEG in humans as well as tips for
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