Jacques Lacan is widely recognized as a key figure in the historyof psychoanalysis and one of the most influential thinkers of the20th Century. In Anxiety, now available for the first timein English, he explores the nature of anxiety, suggesting that itis not nostalgia for the object that causes anxiety but rather itsimminence. In what was to be the last of his year-long seminars atSaint-Anne hospital, Lacans 1962-63 lessons form the keystone tothis classic phase of his teaching. Here we meet for the first timethe notorious a in its oral, anal, scopic and vociferated guises,alongside Lacan s exploration of the question of theanalysts desire. Arriving at these concepts from a multitude ofangles, Lacan leads his audience with great care through a range ofrecurring themes such as anxiety between jouissance and desire,counter-transference and interpretation, and the fantasy and itsframe.
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