Socially excluded youth with mental health problems and co-occurring difficulties (e.g. conduct disorder, family breakdown, homelessness, substance use, exploitation, educational failure) attract the involvement of multiple agencies. Poorly coordinated interventions often multiply in the face of such problems, so that a young person or family is approached by multiple workers from different agencies working towards different goals and using different treatmentmodels; these are often overwhelming and may actually be experienced as aversive by the young person or their family. Failure to provide effective help is costly throughout lifeThis is the first book to describe Adaptive Mentalization-Based Integrative Treatment (AMBIT). This is an approach to working with people – particularly young people and young adults – whose lives are often chaotic and risky, and whose problems are not limited to one domain. In addition to mentalhealth problems, they may have problems with care arrangements, education or emplo
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