From Polymers to PlasticsThe two words in the title of this book,”polymers” and”plastics”, couldbe considered as referring to two different worlds. In the world ofpolymers, the properties of chain molecules are in the focus of attention,and are subject of thorough theoretical studies.In the world of plastics, the end-use performance of the technically usedmaterials counts, as well as their behaviour in the various processingoperations in which they are transformed into finished articles.Nevertheless, these two worlds are closely related to each other. Thetypical behaviour of plastics materials, strongly deviating from othermaterials, can only be understood on the basis of the chain properties.In this book an attempt has been made to give a survey of polymerproperties, and of the way these are, on the one hand, governed by theirmolecular structure, and are, on the other hand, responsible for thetechnological behaviour of plastics materials. As a result of thisintention,
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