Al-Kitaab Part One, Third Edition with Website is the second book in the bestselling Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program. Part One uses an integrated approach to develop skills in formal and colloquial Arabic, including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge. This comprehensive program is designed for students in the early stages of learning Arabic. The accompanying companion website-included with the book-offers fully integrated exercises to use alongside the text.FEATURES* Three varieties of Arabic-Egyptian, Levantine, and formal Arabic-presented using color-coded words and phrases* Over 400 vocabulary words in three forms of Arabic, side by side* Grammar explanations and activation drills, including discussions about colloquial and formal similarities and differences* Authentic texts that develop reading comprehension skills* Video dialogues and stories from everyday life in Egyptian, formal Arabic, and Levantine to reinforce vocabulary in culturally rich contexts, availabl
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