Discover a contemporary overview of todays computer science with the best-selling Invitation to Computer Science, 7E. This flexible, non-language-specific approach provides a solid foundation using an algorithm-driven approach thats ideal for the readers first introduction to the field of Computer Science. Expanded chapter exercises and practice problems, feature boxes, and the latest material on emerging topics, such as privacy, drones, cloud computing, and net neutrality, connect readers with todays most current computing issues. Optional online language modules for C++, Java, Python, Csharp, and Ada, correspond seamlessly with this edition allowing readers to learn a programming language while expanding their understanding of concepts from the book. An optional online CourseMate[trademark] offers helpful study tools, such as flashcards, quizzing, and games, as well as a new Digital Lab Manual containing 20 laboratory projects that map directly to the book. Strong visual and hands-on activities enable reade
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