The main objective of the book is to present state-of-the-artresearch results and experience reports in the area of qualitymonitoring for customer experience management, addressing topicswhich are currently important, such as service-aware futureInternet architecture for Quality of Experience (QoE) management onmultimedia applications.In recent years, multimedia applications and services haveexperienced a sudden growth. Today, video display is not limited tothe traditional areas of movies and television on TV sets, butthese applications are accessed in different environments, withdifferent devices and under different conditions. In addition, thecontinuous emergence of new services, along with increasingcompetition, is forcing network operators and service providers tofocus all their efforts on customer satisfaction, althoughdetermining the QoE is not a trivial task. This book addresses theQoE for improving customer perception when using added valueservices offered by service providers, from evaluation tomonit
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