In the spring of 1976, George Andrews of Pennsylvania State University visited the library at Trinity College, Cambridge, to examine the papers of the late G.N. Watson. Among these papers, Andrews discovered a sheaf of 138 pages in the handwriting of Srinivasa Ramanujan. This manuscript was soon designated, “Ramanujan’s lost notebook.” Its discovery has frequently been deemed the mathematical equivalent of finding Beethoven’s tenth symphony.This volume is the fourth of five volumes that the authors plan to write on Ramanujan’s lost notebook.รข In contrast to the first three books on Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook, the fourth book does not focus on q-series. Most of the entries examined in this volume fall under the purviews of number theory and classical analysis. Several incomplete manuscripts of Ramanujan published by Narosa with the lostnotebook are discussed. Three of the partial manuscripts are on diophantine approximation, and others are in classical Fourier analysis and prime number theory. Most of the entr
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