A detailed and thorough reference on the discipline andpractice of systems engineeringThe objective of the International Council on SystemsEngineering (INCOSE) Systems Engineering Handbook is todescribe key process activities performed by systems engineers andother engineering professionals throughout the life cycle of asystem. The book covers a wide range of fundamental system conceptsthat broaden the thinking of the systems engineering practitioner,such as system thinking, system science, life cycle management,specialty engineering, system of systems, and agile and iterativemethods. This book also defines the discipline and practice ofsystems engineering for students and practicing professionalsalike, providing an authoritative reference that is acknowledgedworldwide.The latest edition of the INCOSE Systems EngineeringHandbook:Is consistent with ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and softwareengineering?System life cycle processes and the Guide to theSystems Engineering Body of
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