The text is a European adaptation of our current US book: Strategic Market Management, 9th Edition by David Aaker. This new edition is a mainstream textsuitable for all business students studying strategy and marketingcourses. Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives ismotivated by the strategic challenges created by the dynamic natureof markets. The premise is that all traditional strategicmanagement tools either do not apply or need to be adapted to amore dynamic context. The unique aspects of the book are its inclusion of: * A business strategy definition that includes product/marketscope, value proposition, and assets and competences. * A structured strategic analysis including a detailed customer,competitor, market, and environmental analysis leading tounderstanding of market dynamics that is supported by a summaryflow diagram, a set of agendas to help start the process, and a setof planning forms. * Concepts of strategic commitment, opportunism, and adaptabilityand how they can and should be b
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