Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here “Very stimulating and intellectually exciting. In fact, I think it is one of the best books I have read for a long time.” – Professor Carsten Greve, International centre for Business and Politics at the Copenhagen Business School Publicness appears to be in decline or retreat in the face of markets, consumerism and individualism. Yet questions of public participation, public governance and the reform of public services are at the top of the political agenda in many countries. Publics, Politics and Power offers an innovative analysis of the changing fortunes of publicness. The book ” Explores the emergence of new forms, sites and practices of publicness and the implications for public services. ” Examines the remaking of the public in the context of new formations of the nation, where issues of migration, diversity and faith challenge traditional forms of solidarity and citizenship. ” Traces the emergence of hybrid organizational forms and new strategie
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