Sensorimotor Control and Learning is a groundbreaking text that provides a uniquely integrated treatment of sensory and motor processes, reflecting the latest research trends in both neuromotor control and the perceptual sciences. Richly illustrated and written in a clear and concise manner, the book emphasizes the intimate links between sensory and motor processes, providing an integrated view of perception and action.Features of the book: * Emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, which makes the text useful for a wide variety of readers * A rigorous and thorough account of how motor behaviors are controlled, coordinated, and changed * Numerous real-world examples relating to everyday experience * The latest research in the field, including a unique introductory treatment of control theory * Boxes highlighting and explaining more than 100 key terms, definitions and concepts throughout the text * Essential background material on neuroscience, biomechanics and engineering, making it a self-c
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