In an attempt to alter the course of history, The Flash traveled back in time to save his mother’s life. This, however, resulted in the crisis-level event known as Flashpoint, rippling across time and changing the world as we knew it for the worse. In this alternate timeline, Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne survived their deadly encounter in Crime Alley years ago, but their young son Bruce was killed instead. Driven by the death of his son, Thomas became Batman—though, this Dark Knight is far deadlier and more ruthless than the vigilante hero his son would have become.Flashpoint Batman is based on the comic book Batman #22 (Comics 2017)Flashpoint Batman is featured with an unmasked headIncludes collectable art card with Flashpoint on front, and character biography on the backDesigned with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and playShowcased in DC themed window box packagingFlashpoint Batman is based on the comic book Batman #22 (Comics 2017)Flashpoint Batman is featured with an unmasked headIncludes collectable art card with Flashpoint on front, and character biography on the backDesigned with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and playShowcased in DC themed window box packaging
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