Master VBA automation quickly and easily to get more out ofExcel Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition is thequick-start guide to getting more out of Excel, using Visual Basicfor Applications. This unique book/video package has been updatedwith fifteen new advanced video lessons, providing a total ofeleven hours of video training and 45 total lessons to teach youthe basics and beyond. This self-paced tutorial explains Excel VBAfrom the ground up, demonstrating with each advancing lesson howyou can increase your productivity. Clear, concise, step-by-stepinstructions are combined with illustrations, code examples, anddownloadable workbooks to give you a practical, in-depth learningexperience and results that apply to real-world scenarios.This is your comprehensive guide to becoming a true Excel poweruser, with multimedia instruction and plenty of hands-onpractice.
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